Girija |
It will be a good idea if some one will be in charge to do that we will bring our seeds, and they will label storage for the next year |
Michael Hollihn |
Healing Ourselves and the Environment |
As we our culture continues to accept the inevitable shifting of paradigms, terms like diversity, cooperation, restoration, regenerative, synergy, symbiosis, and actual sustainability come to our… |
Ramesh |
shyam |
I like collaborating. Lets accomplish our goals |
Brihat |
Bala Krishna |
Ramanath |
Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah |
-heated facilities with mass heater and bath for guests and workers
-walipini greenhouse completion
-shalla box and fenced area in garden for grazing ox and cows
-foundation for Go Shala for… |
Feeding cows and cleaning barn @ Ahimsa Goshala |